A Tale of Two Cities

This past Monday I hopped a plane from DC (where I’ve lived for the last 6 years) to make my annual Thanksgiving pilgrimage to Las Vegas where I grew up - spending time with the family is always good for the soul. . .
It never ceases to amaze me how different these two cities are. I have my likes and dislikes for each, yet I appreciate them both for what they are; particularly from a business perspective. Studying them I find plenty of business lessons in what they each represent.
Las Vegas, a relatively new city with very little tradition is like no other city in the world (for better or for worse). As the second city that never sleeps, it’s audacious, over the top, unconventional and outlandish. To its credit, for the last 3 decades, Vegas has continuously re-invented itself – seemingly never content with what it is or where it's at. From what the city is or perceived to be, to what it actually represents, the city’s marketing power is remarkable. It’s a place that doesn’t take itself seriously and strives to be that playground of all playgrounds for those looking to “come and play”. Looking at it, Las Vegas plays by its own rules and intentionally or unintentionally competes only with itself. By any person’s gauge Las Vegas is a rebel city (in its own right).
On the other hand you have Washington DC, arguably one of the most powerful and influential cities in the world. You can find embassies from every corner of the globe dispersed throughout the city as well as non-profits tackling just about every challenge existent to man. Home of arguably the most powerful position on the planet, it wheels and deals in the chess game of power, politics, and influence. In numerous circles strategy is the #1 game. The energy is much more conservative and subdued than in Vegas and doesn't necessarily seek to bring attention to itself. It basks in its over educated, change the world urban dwellers, with steroids of higher degrees pumping through their veins.
As an entrepreneur I take away valuable lessons from both. To separate yourself from the competition you must be unconventional and if possible over the top (if and when it makes sense to). Never being comfortable where you are and re-inventing yourself or your business always plays to your advantage. Also there is incredible value in playing by your own rules. You transform the marketplace vs. simply being a part of it. Simultaneously, power, politics and influence (in one form or another) is always a part of the landscape and having a strategy that allows you to navigate these 3 ideas and effectively execute your game plan is incredibly valuable. Being conservative keeps you from burning yourself out and supports the very idea of calculated risk. Additionally changing the world is never a bad thing and is especially sweet if you can also make money at it.
Now whether you’re rollin’ dice at the craps table or discussing Indonesian international development issues, the bottom line question: how are you positioning yourself to succeed?
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