Don't be a sprinter

In business the race is always won by the marathon runner not the sprinter. A business doesn't begin to thrive overnight. To stay competitive and relevant, and offer valuable services and/or products that truly benefit clients and customers, it is absolutely necessary that your brand says "we are here for today, tomorrow and for years to come". "We are offering ideas, services and products for the ages". The worst thing that could happen is that your communications comes across as a trendy company that may be here today but gone tomorrow.
I came across this company the other day. . .
Now this reads on their website's homepage and I thought to myself: does a company really want to be known as an organization that specializes in 'web 2.0 services'? The internet and technology are evolving and changing so fast that to base who you are and what you do mainly on an aspect of the web would be precarious. A few questions I would put on the table:
1. What happens when Myspace begins to lose its lustre (and it already has). Facebook is already proving to be much more nimble and flexible and a medium for "better" communication between people looking to really connect.
2. What happens when email is not the most efficient or effective medium for communication (this is already happening).
3. What happens when 2.0 is no longer the buzzword that everyone is using and web 3.0 kicks in. Web 3.0 is on its way. . .
There are a handful of things that companies don't want to be and I imagine irrelevant has got to be somewhere close to the top.
As a company it is valuable that you plan for the here and now, but not at the expense of your long term thinking.
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