Paradigm Shift

As a company, Cnvrgnc could only exist in the 21st Century. The market is shifting from a place where certain ideas that were held true in 1970, 1990 or even as recently as 2005, simply don't anymore.
From where we sit, at this moment in time, a business landscape has emerged where concepts, conversations and strategies, at the intersection of business, technology and culture, is allowing unique insights into where the world is. These factors will help you in making optimum decisions on how to execute on your plans to create breakthrough ideas, that will build a more interesting, and hopefully more prosperous tomorrow.
Ideas and concepts such as value, competitive advantage, business model, revenue stream, marketing, advertising, and brands are still relevant and important terms. Yet how we go about understanding them, what they look like and how to put them into play, will look radically different 10 years from now than they did 10 years ago.
Below is a pretty cool and simple, yet clear way of showing what's been going on in the last handful of years in which we've been witnessing changes in how the market lives, breathes, and nourishes itself.
Enjoy. . .
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