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Supermodels, Food 2.0 and Intangible Value

We live in a world where one of the fundamental ideas that drives our existence is economy. The trading, buying, selling, and giving and getting of stuff. That stuff could be advice, ideas, books, music, food, vacation tickets, entertainment (and the list goes on. . .).

On some level we seek to acquire these things, for a set amount of time - two hours, two days, two years, or two decades. . .it all depends on what it is. Now what we seek to possess may change; a tailored suit today, that sweet new app for your smart phone tomorrow, or getting that new hybrid model car next year. The item(s) may change from one moment to the next but what never changes is getting this stuff, because for you this stuff has. . . value.

Whether you want it, need it or yearn for it, at the end of the day you go out and get it because at that moment in time, from where you are sitting, you feel it will add value to your life. 

Now the question is - what is value?

In the below TED talk, Rory Sutherland discusses marketing, advertising, and customers and the idea of what value can be in this food chain.

I love his discussion. Funny, entertaining, and thought provoking. 


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