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For you my friends, I have three words...

The market is in a state of flux...arguably like no other time in history. Now what this exactly means (and how the impact is/isn't being felt) will depend on who you are talking to, what you're talking about, and what particular industry is in question.  

Nevertheless with the rise of social media, the economic downturn, the tea party rebellion and most recently the OccupyWallStreet movement...something (big) is afoot.

For me the most recent (and ongoing evidence) that what's happening isn't just a tremor, but a tectonic shift in the market, is a recent indie film by Swedish co-directors, David Dworsky and Victor Köhler, called Press Pause Play.

Now back in 2008 I wrote a blog post entitled Sex, Drugs, and Rock & (what's next?), about how the internet is dramatically changing the music industry and creating a new kind of counterculture in an unprecented way. From my own research and process of connecting the dots, I definitely concluded; folks, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. 

Almost three years later, to the date, Press Pause Play spotlights a new narrative and brings into sharp focus the reality of today's digital revolution.

I highly recommend that you check this out. If you're an artist (in any sense of the word), techno-geek, and/or digital provocateur...then you're going to ab-so-lute-ly love this film!

Reader Comments (1)

Really great thought dear... i salute this stuff..
Thanx for posting it..
November 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSandy Peterson

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